Solvang, CA Windmills and Wheels 100828 Photos

Thunder over Valley Santa Maria, CA100829 - Photos 1   Photos 2  

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We have taken photos for your enjoyment.  Our intent is to

give the ones who work so hard to bring us the pleasure of

the day, who work to raise monies to help people in all walks

of life, the recognition for doing this work.  From bringing

us the food booths, to the souvenirs, to information, the

list just goes on - even the most important part of a event...the port-a-potty.

And to all who flew in the planes, for our viewing pleasure - thank you.

And to all who brought the fancy cars to the Solvang Windmills & Wheels, boats too
we enjoyed the crowds and the smiles Thank You.  

To all who smiled for the camera I wish to Thank You.